Posted on November 2nd, 2016
The school council is a tripartite body composed of equal numbers of ex-officio members representing the direction team, representatives of school staff and representatives of parents and students. The number of ex-officio members determines the number of members of the governing board. The school principal chairs the school board.
The school board includes:
Members sitting with deliberative voice
• Representatives of the school’s direction
• The parents’ representatives and the secondary school representative.
• Representatives of teaching and educational staff and administrative and service staff.
Members serving in an advisory capacity:
The French Consul or his representative;
Delegates to the Assembly of French nationals from abroad in the geographical area concerned or their representatives appointed by the French ambassador on the proposal of the elected representatives;
Two local personalities chosen for their competence in the social, economic and cultural field on proposal of the school principal;
Two representatives of the board of directors of the association of Lycée Victor Hugo of Sofia.
The president of the association may invite to the meetings of the board any person whose consultation is useful according to the agenda.